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Villa Real is a mixed day school for pupils aged from 2 to 19 years who have severe, profound, medical and complex learning difficulties, some of whom also have Autism Spectrum Disorder, or Cerebral Palsy. Please come and visit us or get in touch for more information.
Jill Bowe, Head Teacher
20th Anniversary of Conductive Education
Posted 30th January

Save the Date! On 22nd March 2025, we will be holding a 20th Anniversary of Conductive Education event at Blackhill Club, 4-9pm. Tickets to be purchased from school. More details to follow.

Parents That Paint Morning
Posted 30th January

On Tuesday 28th January we welcomed our parents and carers into school for a lovely morning of art activities. With this day being International Lego Day this was a perfect theme for our pupils and their parents and carers to enjoy being creative together. The resulting art work is inspirational and we would like to thank everyone who attended, including Craig Williams from Durham County Council to support and talk to our Dads and Male Carers specifically. 

We have produced a video from the event for you to enjoy.

You can view a video of the event in our News & Events section.

Holocaust Memorial Video
Posted 27th January

Some of our pupils have created a video to mark the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust in remembrance of the 6 million Jews who lost their lives during WWII. Pupils held up words to describe the Holocaust which were then made into a film which will be played at the Empire Theatre in Consett as part of a Holocaust Memorial Workshop.

You can view the video in our News & Events section.

New After-School Clubs
Posted 14th January

This term we have two new after-school clubs running on a Tuesday:

Gaming Club and Art Club. See the Extra Curricular section for more details.

10th - 14th February
National Apprenticeships Week
11th February
Safer Internet Day
3rd - 7th March
National Careers Week
6th March
World Book Day
10th - 14th March
CE Awareness Week
22nd March
20th Anniversary of Conductive Education, Blackhill Club, 4-9pm
30th March
Red Nose Day
2nd April
World Autism Day
Villa Real School
Villa Real Road
Co Durham

Telephone: 01207 503651
Email: [email protected]
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Just a reminder that ALL medication sent in MUST have the consent forms completed online as per the letter sent out at the end of last term.

We cannot administer any medication without the consent forms being completed.

If you have any issues with completing online, you can come in to school and we will assist you to do this in person.

Our Remote Learning Provision policy can be found in our home school section.Parental updates can be found in the letters section. Should you have any concerns please contact the school.

Following change of attendance regulations by DFE we can no longer authorise holidays. If you wish a LOA for something else e.g. participation in performance, sport event etc then please write a letter addressed to Jill Bowe.

Reminder: Please be aware that we have staff and students in school with anaphylaxis. Please do not bring nuts or products containing nuts into the school on any occasion as this could be life threatening to anyone with this condition.


Click here to access the CEOP website.
here to access our Online Safety section.

At Villa Real all of our admissions come directly from SEN Placement and Provision at County Hall. All pupils who attend Villa Real have an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP). For more information about admissions please contact the Placement and Provision Team on 03000 265878.
Keeping Children Safe

If you have any questions about our SEND Local Offer please contact the school and we will try our best to help you.

© 2024 Villa Real School

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