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All students will receive relevant experiences, ability and age appropriate opportunities to prepare for life after school; in a safe, enjoyable and caring learning environment.

Students who access the Conductive Education programme, are taught in a specialist room which meets their individual physical needs. The 14-19 Provision curriculum is designed to prepare young adults for life beyond school and adulthood. It is tailored to meet individual needs developing independent living skills and confidence to progress on to the next relevant course or programme. Students will study a stepping stone curriculum offer which meets individualised need.


14-19 Provision refers to the curriculum provided through further education within school, and to educational opportunities provided through college links, educational visits and residential experiences. Students can access this curriculum for up to three years. However, there is a flexible transition programme which means that students can leave at a time that best meets their social and academic needs.


  • Grouping by individual ability 

  • Total communication approach

  • Movement groups as part of CE

  • PECS

  • Objects of reference

  • Tassals

  • PODD

  • Grouping by choice in vocation

  • Grouping by age 

  • Whole class work

  • Practical activities

  • Multi-sensory experiences

  • TEACCH Approaches

  • Community visits

  • College links

  • Mixed ability groups 

  • 1:1 Support for some individuals

  • Productive questioning

  • Modeling

  • Scaffolding


Young people should leave Villa Real with experiences of the, skills and understanding necessary to cope with the individual challenges of life beyond school and adulthood. They should have developed their personal and social skills and the ability to keep themselves safe and healthy. They should also be prepared to make a successful transition the next step in their life. An opportunity for some students to focus on these aspects of education, post 14 will enable them to be better equipped to make life choices and to be more independent and confident. School life for the 14-19 Provisioners is an age-appropriate environment which is identifiable in school. They have their own assemblies and the choice to access the yard at break and lunch times. The 14 -19 Provision also have their own uniform.


All students in the 14-19 Provision will have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). Targets are set and reviewed on a regular basis. Targets are also set within lessons as part of assessment for learning. Students’ achievements are accredited through a range of areas depending on their ability. Progress is monitored and evaluated using B Squared data, Parents and carers are kept informed of progress through parents’ evenings, CTM/TAFs, Earwig, written reports, home school diaries and the statutory annual review.


All students are entitled to a broad, balanced, differentiated and relevant curriculum appropriate to their individual needs. The curriculum is structured and sequenced to ensure progression and continuity for all. There are inbuilt opportunities for consultation and negotiation with students over content, taking into account their needs and interests. All pupils attending Villa Real 16-19 Provision and their families will be supported to source and access appropriate further education opportunities.


  • To develop a means of appropriate and effective communication.

  • To access a stable careers education.

  • To have the opportunity to meet employees and employers in different settings. To visit a wide arity of work places, which fit in with students own personal interests and aspirations.

  • To develop a range of personal qualities including; social skills, spiritual, initiative, confidence, reliability, adaptability, creativity, enthusiasm, self-esteem and independence.

  • To continue to develop skills in the key areas of English, Mathematics and ICT for all students, depending on their previous attainment.

  • To develop knowledge and develop skills relating to British Values; democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

  • To develop and maintain skills and concepts appropriate to their individual needs through a life skills based curriculum.

  • To provide a sensory/ therapy based curriculum for those pupils who have profound and multiple learning difficulties.

  • To participate in charity work within the local community.

  • To visit a number of Further Education and training establishments.

  • To meet the needs of every student through a collaborative approach where staff, students, parents/ carers and other professional contribute.

  • To develop and maintain an understanding of moral, social and cultural issues enabling them to participate effectively in their environment.

  • To encourage students to make decisions, experience the consequences and use this information to inform future actions.

  • To develop a sense of pride in their achievements and a feeling of being valued.

  • To develop the ability to make and maintain positive relationships.


With effect from September 2016 there has been no automatic entitlement to free transport for Post 16 students who live in County Durham and are unable to travel independently e.g. are unable to access a viable public transport system or because of Special Educational Needs, a disability or mobility difficulty.

Therefore students who are currently in Year 11 and progressing to Year 12 in September 2022 will need to apply for Post 16 Student Travel Assistance online at:


Those students with an EHCP who currently receive Post 16 transport will be sent a letter advising them that they need to reapply online for assistance for the 2022/2023 academic year. 

Post-16 Transport


Before starting in the 14-19 Provision, students are assessed on their ability and prior attainment. An appropriate curriculum offer is then put together. This includes ASDAN Towards Independence awards, ASDAN Entry Level qualifications in Personal, Social Development, and Employability, and IT English and Math’s skills at Entry 1, 2 or 3. Students and parents/corers will also be able to choose some modules in accordance with interest and future steps. We acknowledge the fact that all Key stage 5 students should be completing Level 3 Maths by 2020. This will be accessed where appropriate. Subjects are taught according to pupils’ individual needs. Targets are set across the key areas: Literacy, Mathematics, PSHCE, RE, ICT and independent living skills. Students have individual targets using Education Health Care Plans.

Students in the 14-19 Provision are treated as young adults. Students are actively encouraged to develop their leadership skills, in schemes such as Sports Leader awards, Student Council, Thumbs up! and eXtreme group.

Social mobility is encouraged and we aim for every student who is able to use public transport and local amenities independently, or to be given access to these experiences. Independent travel plans may be created and facilitated.

Links with training providers and local colleges provide students with the opportunity to experience courses not available in school, to develop independence skills, to try work that they might pursue post school and to mix with their peers.  We feel it is important for students on the verge of leaving the secure and familiar school atmosphere to experience a wide range of extra-curricular experiences.

Enterprise schemes, accreditations and activities are operated in order for students to take part in co-operative planning and working, and to develop an understanding of work based activities.  Work experience opportunities are provided, where appropriate alongside work related skills and activities such as talks from employers and employees.


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