At Villa Real School, key stage 3, we strive to ensure that all pupils receive an education that:
At least meets the expectations of the National Curriculum where appropriate for the learner.
Supports the least able to meet their personal best.
Stretches the talented and encourages independent learning.
Is tailored to the individual needs of students.
Stretches communication and vocabulary.
Prepares pupils for their next step in education or life.
Is wide and varied, covering academic and life skills.
In addition to class room education key stage 3 follow an offsite curriculum. The principle behind this activity is to enrich the lives of our pupils, often teaching skills that are best suited to various specialist pursuits. These activities include:
Forest School education, building confidence team building, problem solving and social skills.
Physical education in specialist settings, helping students understand the link between wellbeing and physical fitness, the importance of working in a team and personal responsibility.
Community links leading to an insight into the word of work. Students take part in sessions held onsite by local business and community organisations. Our students are encouraged to plan for their future.
Outdoor education linked directly to our academic curriculum allows learners to link their class room learning to the real world. Outdoor education is delivered by a specialist tutor.
British values, including tolerance, religious diversity, charity, work ethic, innovation and an understanding of democracy.
Pupils in Key Stage 3 are assessed in line with the school policy and parents are invited to meet with their teachers at least once per term under normal circumstances.