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Conductive Education is a holistic educational system for children and adults with motor difficulties and allied needs, developed by Hungarian Professor Andras Peto at the International Peto Institute, in Budapest, Hungary.


Conductive Education views motor disorders as a potential barrier to learning due to the effect such problems can have on a pupil / student’s ability to explore and interact with their environment independently and spontaneously. CE teaches pupils / students techniques to overcome these barriers by providing opportunities to problem solve.


Conductive Education sees the individual as a whole, recognising that each area of human development impacts on the next. Although the primary problem may be of a physical nature, cognition, social skills, health, emotional development, perceptual abilities, speech and language may all be involved, therefore these conditions cannot be seen as isolated physical disabilities.


The primary goal of Conductive Education is to develop the individual’s personality – to develop an “orthofunctional personality”. That is, to teach the child the ability to cope, to adapt to new situations and to be spontaneous.


Essentially, it is about developing a “can do” attitude – an active, problem solving approach to life and an adaptable, flexible nature in order to cope with the daily challenges life throws up – from walking, dressing, eating and personal hygiene to communicating, exploring the environment and engaging with activities and resources across all learning areas.


The key to success and independence is to instill in the individual both a desire and an expectation that they can achieve.


The content of the daily programme within CE is bespoke to the holistic needs of the individuals and group. Therefore, two years within the same class may not look the same – if student cohorts change. However, the overall focus for the age ranges follow the overall Key Stage Curricular Goals, teaching skills that will enable them to access their academic and personal and social potential.


Early Years Foundation Stage – Developing exploration, investigation and discovery skills to support play based learning.


Key Stage 1 / 2 – Developing early learning skills, self-awareness and perseverance as challenges become more apparent.


Key Stage 3 – Applying skills learned to their daily life – both academic and personal, to open up additional participation within their school, community and family life.


14-19 provision – To continue to apply skills learned with greater independence, and prepare for use of these skills outside of the school / CE environment and adulthood where the priority must be communication, basic movement, academic skills and everyday living skills.





The Conductive Education Coordinator monitors the scheduling of task series in timetables, the task series planning and targets /evaluations in regular learning walks and work scrutinies, providing feedback to Conductors and pupils / students as appropriate.

Parental evaluation and feedback is sought regularly.



The group and its dynamics provide a motivating and supportive learning environment where pupils / students learn from and alongside peers.

The integrated programme/daily routine is structured to meet each pupil’s / student’s needs within the class. It provides consistency, continuity, and reinforcement through opportunities to generalise skills across the day.

Rhythmic Intention is a strategy used whereby speech, language and rhythm assist pupils / studnets to learn to regulate movement.

The Task Series is a teaching tool used in Conductive Education. It is a series of tasks broken down into small achievable steps, designed to teach individuals the skills required to achieve a specific goal. The Task Series is an integral part of the school curriculum.

Parents and families are encouraged to be actively involved in the program so that they can help their children transfer the skills they are learning at school into their home environment. By using the principles of Conductive Education across the whole day, the “can do” approach becomes a way of life for the whole family. The individual’s confidence, desire and ability to be active, independent, problem solving learners will grow and grow.


The curriculum is mapped via a progression model to develop knowledge, skills and understanding, however in rare cases some complex pupils including those with degenerative conditions, may have planning which aims to sustain.



Formative assessment is ongoing, through conductive observation where the conductor will assess the need for facilitation within a task, they adapt and change the input or level of support required in real time – providing positive feedback to the individual.

Pupils / students are supported with their memory and recall through the repetition of tasks within the task series and then they are able to demonstrate their transference of skill / memory of the actions for functions, across the remainder of their day.

Key vocabulary is built upon through the age ranges as their understanding of language develops, in relation to the movements and functions learned.


Progress of students within CE is tracked through CE targets for each task series, evaluated at the end of each session. This information is used to write and amend task series termly to meet the changing needs of the cohort – ensuring it is responsive to the individual needs of the class / group.


Overall progress is monitored using B Squared and judged on the individual targets as part of our holistic REAL assessment method and the pupils’/ Students’ EHCP targets.

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