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At Villa Real School we shape our Music curriculum to ensure it is fully inclusive to every child. Our aims are to provide an ambitious curriculum which fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum for music; broad, balanced and differentiated, ensuring the progressive development of musical elements, key knowledge and develop a love of music and skills for later life. 


Our teaching equips pupils with knowledge of; vocabulary, composing, performing and appraisal. We want our pupils to enjoy music and enjoy learning about music, gaining knowledge, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also through opportunities to perform outside of the classroom and to attend live performances in or outside of school.  


All pupils/students are taught for 1 term by a Music Specialist, focusing on playing tuned and untuned instruments. 


Links to literacy include; recognising signs and imagery, reading and using music vocabulary, appraising music in written form and researching musical artists.


Links to numeracy include; counting beats or instruments and identifying and following patterns.


Music is delivered as a part of the curriculum throughout all pathways within Villa Real School from EYFS to Key Stage 5. Primary pupils attend a signing choir. 


Early Years Foundation Stage 

As stated in the statutory EYFS Framework (Sept 2021) our EYFS Educational Programme provides regular opportunities to engage with the arts; exploring and playing with a range of media. The quality and variety of what children see, hear and participate in is crucial for developing their understanding, self-expression, vocabulary and ability to communicate through music and the arts.

Pupils are given opportunities to be imaginative and expressive, exploring sounds, singing songs and listening to a range of different genres. Pupils will engage with activities to build foundations linked to developing their understanding of the world.   


Key Stage One 

Music takes on more of a formal lesson structure when moving onto Key Stages One and Two and the National Curriculum principles and guidelines are adhered to. Music is taught on a weekly basis for pathway 3 learners and follows a 3 year rolling curriculum overview with key elements to be taught e.g. Pulse. Pupils are taught through the genres of funk and disco.  


Pupils will begin by exploring pulse, rhythm and simple appraisal skills; likes and dislikes. They will use their voices (where able) expressively to sing songs and rhymes. They will play tuned and untuned instruments to experiment, select and create sounds. Pupils will listen to a range of live and recorded music. 


Key Stage Two 

Key Stage Two pupils are taught on a weekly basis and follows a 4 year curriculum overview, enhancing prior knowledge by building on the elements taught in Key Stage One, for example learning about tempo and experience an additional two genres of music. Some pupils will begin to listen and understand with increased attention to a wide range of music to include great composers.  


Key Stage Three 

Students will build on previous knowledge and skills. Some pupils will play and perform with increasing confidence in solo and ensemble contexts. Some Students will use their voice and instruments musically and with increasing fluency and accuracy. Improvise and compose, developing ideas and drawing on different styles and structures. Students will continue to be introduced to new genres, including music from great composers and musicians.  


14-19 Provision 

Students will build on prior knowledge, with activities and experiences that enhance and support other areas of learning with a focus on creating and performing and skills for later life. 



The Music Coordinator monitors the planning, participates in regular learning walks and work scrutinies, giving feedback to class teachers. The subject coordinator aims to meet with other teachers across County Durham to look at work from pupils in different schools and moderate work together. 



Assessment at Villa Real School is continuous and of the whole REAL curriculum. Assessment is during and after learning and to ensure and assure progress for all. Assessment starts at each child’s unique starting point. Our assessment schedule focuses on moving our pupils/students onto the next stage of their learning and moving between key stages and pathways; and for life beyond school. Assessment is based on EHCP REAL objectives. 


Pupils in EYFS are assessed in line with Development Matters 2021. Progress of all pupils/students learning is recorded and monitored using B squared on either EYFS, Engagement or Progressions Steps, and examined in line with individual targets.



Music is taught as a discrete subject but also throughout our curriculum across the whole school, through quiet times, assemblies, sensory activities and cross curricular links. Pupils work at their own pace, at a level suitable to each pupil. Main methods of delivery are kinaesthetic, visual and auditory, to support communication and learning and progression in a safe and controlled environment. 


All lessons are individualised and personalised to the pupils/students’ needs and abilities. All have access to a Music Specialist for at least 1 term per year to enhance their learning.  


Within lessons and other musical activities, pupils/students are encouraged to develop their musical skills and knowledge but also their communication and personal, social and emotional skills.   


Skills for now and later life; Music is used to help our learners express feelings and emotions.  It can be fun and exciting as well as being calming and self regulating. Music is used to develop listening skills leading to increased attention span and concentration.  Through music, singing and musical activities we work to increase memory recall and muscle memory. Music stimulates creativity, leads to use of imagination, encourages experimentation and encourages social interaction, co-operation and greater levels of mutual respect and tolerance. 

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